The No Advertising address check’s purpose is to test whether an email address belongs to the list of registered no advertising households that should not be bothered with advertising information.

ParameterAn ASCII email address as last part of the URL


The service answers with a XML or JSON document providing the result code





Possible result codes:

  • 0 – not found
  • 1 – found, the address belongs to a registered no advertising household.


The service checks its input parameters against a list of no-advertising households that is provided by Nayoki. This list consists of encrypted (MD5) mail addresses. The service transforms the address into lower case, encrypts the input parameter with MD5 and compares the result with the Nayoki list.

If there is a match the service returns a positive answer, the address is included, else it answers negatively.

Each API call is logged as a business event with the ID 126.