Sending commercial mails to certain addresses, administrative or other, might result in the sender being blacklisted. The blacklist API call evaluates this risk for a specific email address.
Syntax | …/svc/2.0/address/blacklist/<address> |
Example | …/svc/2.0/address/blacklist/ |
Parameter | An ASCII email address as last part of the URL |
<blacklistStatus> <infoId></infoId> <listType>2</listType> <result>1</result> </blacklistStatus>
{"infoId": "", "listType": 2, "result": 1}
The result details are:
- result: the evaluation result for the blacklist risk
- 0: there is no known risk
- 1: there is a risk of getting blacklisted
- 2: error, bad address
- listType: details for the evaluation, the causes for the blacklisting
- 0: no problem, default value when result == 0
- 1: the domain name belongs to a blacklist provider
- 2: the local part of the address will probably cause blacklisting; examples are administrative addresses like *abuse@…* or *spam@…*
- infoId: the guilty part of the address, which is also the ID for looking up more information about a specific blacklist resource.
The blacklist check splits the address into local part and domain and checks both against the contents of the blacklist table. If either one matches a positive result is returned.
Each execution of the check will be documented as a business event (database table business_event) with type 108, including the result.
Blacklist Resource Information
The blacklist info API call returns information about various blacklist resources, according to the resource type.
Syntax | …/svc/2.0/info/blacklist/<ID> |
Example | …/svc/2.0/info/blacklist/abuse |
Parameter | An info ID (local part or domain name) as last part of the URL |
<blacklistInfo> <id>abuse</id> <listType>2</listType> <owner/> <remarks>Administrative address for problem reports with a domain</remarks> <url/> </blacklistInfo>
{ "id": "abuse", "listType": 2, "owner": "", "remarks": "Administrative address for problem reports with a domain", "url": "" }
The result document contains:
- id: the ID of the resource
- listType: the type of the blacklist resource
- 1: the domain name belongs to a blacklist provider
- 2: the local part of the address will probably cause blacklisting; examples are administrative addresses like *abuse@…* or *spam@…*
- owner: if the resource represents a blacklist provider this contains the name of the owning entity
- remarks: further details about the blacklist resource
- url: a URL for further information about the blacklist provider, e.g. contact information
The service looks for the ID in the blacklist table and returns the information. If successful (response code 200) the service will return a document with inofrmation about the requested blacklist resource. If no data is available for an ID the server will signal this with HTTP response code 204 (No Content) and return no result (null).
Each execution of the check will be documented as a business event (database table business_event) with type 109.