The IWT check tests whether an address belongs to a domain of an ISP, a Webmail or a Telecom provider.

ParameterAn ASCII email address as last part of the URL




{"infoId": "", "result": 1}

The result details are:

  • result: the evaluation result
    • 0: the domain doesn’t belong to known IWT provider
    • 1: the domain belongs to known IWT provider
  • infoId: if the result == 1, this contains the ID for looking up more information about a IWT resource


The blacklist checks the domain of the address against the contents of the iwt table. If it matches a positive result is returned, which includes the ID for info lookup.

Each execution of the check will be documented as a business event (database table business_event) with type 116, including the result.

Information about a IWT resource

The IWT info API call returns information about various IWT resources, describing their market orientation and languages used.

ParameterAn info ID (domain name) as last part of the URL


    <owner>Webmailer Corp.</owner>


  "id": "",
  "owner": "Webmailer Corp.",
  "country“: "USA“,

The result document contains:

  • id: the ID of the resource, the domain name
  • owner: the name of the owning entity, provider
  • country: country name of the provider HQ
  • orientation: market orientation
    • 0: unknown
    • 1: national
    • 2: international
  • languages: if the orientation is national (1) this field can contain 1-3 language codes (ISO 639-1/2) describing the languages used in that national market


If no data is available for an ID the server will signal this with HTTP response code 204 (No Content) and return no result (null).

Each execution of the check will be documented as a business event (database table business_event) with type 117.