Checks if a Gravatar account for the given e-mail address exists.

ParameterAn ASCII email address as last part of the URL



  • result:
    • 0: Profile does not exist
    • 1: Profile exists
    • 2: internal Error occured e.g. connection error
  • url: link to the Gravatar profile


Tests whether a Gravatar profile exists by sending an HTTP GET Request to the Gravatar API.

Gravatar Profile Information

The service returns all existing information to a Gravatar profile.

ParameterAn ASCII email address as last part of the URL



    <formattedname>Max Mustermann</formattedname>
       <ims>icq, NUMBER</ims>
       <ims>skype, USERNAME</ims>
    <adr>Deutschland, Berlin</adr>
    <note>Ich bin nur ein Beispiel.</note>
       <phone>mobile, NUMBER</phone>
       <phone>work, NUMBER</phone>


         "note":"Ich bin nur ein Beispiel.",
         "formattedname":"Max Mustermann",
         "adr":"Deutschland, Berlin",
         "phonenumbers":["mobile, NUMBER","work, NUMBER"],
         "instantmessaging":["icq, NUMBER",
                    "skype, USERNAME"]}}
urllink to the Gravatar profile
familynamethe familyname of the contact
givennamethe givenname of the contact
formattednamerepresentation of the complete name. Consists of givenname and familyname (if both are available).
nicknamethe nickname used in Gravatar
thumbnaillink to the thumbnail picture. In Gravatar it is possible to define a picture for all used e-mail addresses. The picture here belongs to the primary e-mail address.
adrthe location of the contact. This field does not have a standardized format.
accountslinks to other public accounts like facebook or twitter accounts
instantmessaginginstantmessagingservice and identifier pairs for contacting e.g. „icq“, <number>
phonenumberspairs of the type of a number and the number itself e.g. „work“, <number>
websitesurls of websites the contact has linked to in his profile
emailsemail addresses of the contact
notedescription (max. 255 characters)
  • Note:
    • The only two profile fields which are garanteed to be filled when the account exists is the url and the nickname.
    • The structure of a Gravatar profile is related to vCards. So the type of the phonenumbers could also be used “as is” within a vCard.


If no profile for the address is found, the server will signal this with HTTP response code 204 (No Content) and return no result (null).