Address spam trap check
The check tests whether the address provided is known as a spam trap:
Syntax | …/svc/2.0/address/spamtrap/<address> |
Example | …/svc/2.0/address/spamtrap/ |
Parameter | An ASCII email address as last part of the URL |
<spamtrapStatus> <infoId></infoId> <result>1</result> <trapType>1</trapType> </spamtrapStatus>
{"infoId": "", "result": 1}
The result document contains:
- result: the evaluation result
- 0: address is not a known spam trap
- 1: address is a known spam trap
- infoId: if the result is “1”, this field contains ID’s for looking up more information about a spam trap resource. a: indicates that it’s an address or domain, while m: indicates that it’s the name of the mailexchanger.
- trapType: the kind of spam trap found
- 0: not a known spam trap
- 1: the email address, the mailbox is a known spam trap
- 2: the domain of the email address is a known spam trap
- 3: the mailexchangers of the domain are known for spam traps
- 4: the mailexchangers are known for typo or dead domain traps
The service tests the address against the contents of the configured data sources. If there is a match it returns a positive result and the resource ID of the spam trap that matched. First it is checked whether the adress mailexchangers are known for spamtraps, afterwards the email address and domain.
Each execution of the check will be documented as a business event (database table business_event) with type 110.
Information about a spam trap resource
The botrisk info API call returns information about spam trap resources.
Syntax | …/svc/2.0/info/spamtrap/<id> |
Example | …/svc/2.0/info/spamtrap/ |
Parameter | An ID (string) as the last part of the URL (with prefix `a:` for an address and `m:` for a mailexchanger name) |
<spamtrapInfo> <id></id> <trapType>1</trapType> <owner>Spamtrap ... GmbH</owner> <remarks>Sending to spam traps of this kind leads to the following reactions ...</remarks> <url></url> </spamtrapInfo>
{ "id":"", "trapType":1, "owner":"Spamtrap ... GmbH", "remarks":"Sending to spam traps of this kind leads to the following reactions ...", "url":"" }
The structure of the result document is:
- id: resource ID
- trapType: scope/kind of spam trap
- 1: single email address
- 2: a domain
- 3: a mailexchanger
- 4: a mailexchanger known for typo or dead domain traps
- owner: the name of the maintaining entity, if known
- remarks: details about the resource
- url: a URL with more informtion about the provider, reactions
If no data is available for an ID the server will signal this with HTTP response code 204 (No Content) and return no result (null).
Each execution of the call will be documented as a business event (database table business_event) with type 111.